Complaint handling training course

"The angry wasp"

Complaint handling and customer satisfaction training

Give your team the skills to understand your customers better and therefore manage customer experiences and satisfaction positively to avoid escalation into complaints. If complaints do occur, the course will equip your team with practical and usable strategies to resolve these, communicate positively, satisfy customers and turn negative situations into positive outcomes.


3 hours

Max participants
per session


Max participants

Max participants
distance learning

Who is it for?

Our complaint handling training course is for staff working with customers in any business setting looking to improve customer satisfaction and service recovery.

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What to expect

  • We’re not the enemy, we’re the opportunity! How to proactively manage customer experience and spot issues before they occur.
  • Stand in my shoes: We’ll look at why customers complain in the first place.
  • Who am I? We’ll study different types of customers and how they complain.
  • Dealing with complaints: Here, we’ll take you through the emotional journey of the customer, and the process of complaint management.                                                         
  • We’ll go through five key steps for resolving complaints effectively.
  • The angry wasp: This will involve the specific techniques required for dealing with unsatisfied customers.
  • Amazing aftercare: Finally, we’ll explore building rapport in order to turn complaints into compliments!


  • Increase quality of customer service.
  • Increase team management skills, confidence and professionalism.
  • Increase team retention and motivation.
  • Increase guest satisfaction and feedback.
  • Increase informal complaint resolution and decrease formal complaints.
  • Decrease time spent on service recovery.

What our clients say.

Why In2action?

We design, curate and train your teams to deliver unique experiences for your guests that will delight and exceed expectations resulting in improved repeat business, feedback, reviews and ancillary revenues.

We have a highly experienced team who have delivered training and activity services to brands across the globe, working in the UK, Europe, Asia and China to name a few.

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