Complaint handling training course

Complaint Handling and Customer Satisfaction Training Courses

"The angry wasp"

Give your team the skills to understand your customers better and therefore manage customer experiences and satisfaction positively to avoid escalation into complaints. If complaints do occur, the course will equip your team with practical and usable strategies to resolve these, communicate positively, satisfy customers and turn negative situations into positive outcomes.


3 hours

Max participants
per session


Max participants

Max participants
distance learning

Who is it for?

Our complaint handling training course is for staff working with customers in any business setting looking to improve customer satisfaction and service recovery.

How can complaint handling affect your business?

Effective complaint handling can make or break a customer’s ultimate experience with your business; believe it or not, knowing how to correctly deal with an unhappy customer means that they’re not necessarily likely to take their business elsewhere. In fact, their opinion of your business, team and services may well be elevated by the way you respond to their complaint.

The proper understanding of complaints can also help shape processes in the future, resulting in fewer complaints and happier customers.

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What to expect

  • We’re not the enemy, we’re the opportunity! How to proactively manage customer experience and spot issues before they occur.
  • Stand in my shoes: We’ll look at why customers complain in the first place.
  • Who am I? We’ll study different types of customers and how they complain.
  • Dealing with complaints: Here, we’ll take you through the emotional journey of the customer, and the process of complaint management.                                                         
  • We’ll go through five key steps for resolving complaints effectively.
  • The angry wasp: This will involve the specific techniques required for dealing with unsatisfied customers.
  • Amazing aftercare: Finally, we’ll explore building rapport in order to turn complaints into compliments!


Increased quality of customer service

When your staff members feel better equipped to deal with problems that may arise, you’ll find they’re more confident, and can better assist your customers.

Improved customer satisfaction

By making a customer feel heard and respected, their estimation of your brand could be improved even through what started as a negative situation.

Increase in customer loyalty

That improved customer satisfaction could then turn out to make a customer more likely to return to you; they know that you take how they feel seriously, and they can feel confident that you’ve got their best interests at heart.

Reduced escalation

A niggle can be prevented from becoming a full blown complaint when the dissatisfaction is handled appropriately from the start. Not only does this improve the customer experience by swiftly and effectively dealing with an issue, but it also prevents further time being taken up by larger complaints.

What skills you'll develop

Through this comprehensive complaint handling training, you’ll develop the skills required not only to bring conflicts to a satisfactory close for clients, customers, and service users, but also to build rapport with them. This will allow you to balance empathy with control of the situation, diffuse difficult responses, and ask and answer questions that help reach a desired outcome.

What our clients say.

Why In2action?

In all areas of business, negative scenarios can occur, but as a training provider committed to helping your staff achieve outstanding customer experiences, you can rely on our courses to help them turn them around. Through our own years of experience and a wealth of expertise, we believe in equipping your team with tools that they can apply to all areas of their customer-focused careers.

We have a highly experienced team who have delivered training and activity services to brands across the globe, working in the UK, Europe, Asia and China to name a few.

Get in touch


Where does complaints handling training take place? 
 How many employees can you train at once? 
Can you offer bespoke complaint handling courses?
How long does a complaint handling course take? 
How do I go about booking a complaint handling course for my business? 
Does In2action offer other training courses? 

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