Resilience and wellbeing

Workplace Resilience And Wellbeing Training Courses

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Give your staff real life, actionable strategies and skills that they can use immediately to help them build resilience muscles, foster positive mindsets, and cultivate lasting wellbeing habits. Join us on a journey of empowerment and resilience today with our dynamic courses!


3 hours

Max participants
per session


Max participants

Max participants
distance learning

Who is it for?

All staff across all sectors at all levels of business.

Endorsed by a leading academic of Sheffield Hallam University, and Head of Learning and Impact at Inspiring Learning, Dr. John Allan has overseen the development of this transformative course.

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What to expect

  • Introduction to the concepts of wellbeing and resilience.
  • Reflection on personal wellbeing and/or the wellbeing of teams. How our emotions can affect us and how we can allow them to weigh us down.
  • The 5 pillars of wellbeing and how this affects us in a work environment.
  • Demonstrate and practice 5 techniques to instantly boost mood and wellbeing.
  • Explore how to recognise the signs of a decline in wellbeing in self, teams and colleagues.
  • The 5 pillars of resilience and easy to learn techniques to build it in and out of the workplace.
  • Summary of how these techniques help ourselves and our team and improve their overall wellbeing and resilience.


“The psychological well-being and resilience of a workforce is of paramount importance in contemporary workplaces. Success relies on an individual’s capacity to cope and even thrive when faced with stress. Maintaining a balance of physical, mental and social capabilities, and being adaptable to changes, can be learned.” - Dr. John Allan

  • Increase team wellbeing, resilience, retention and motivation
  • Decrease stress-related absences
  • Increase team ability to cope with stressful situations
  • Increase team communication and conflict resolution

What our clients say.

Why In2action?

We design, curate and train your teams to deliver unique experiences for your guests that will delight and exceed expectations resulting in improved repeat business, feedback, reviews and ancillary revenues.

We have a highly experienced team who have delivered training and activity services to brands across the globe, working in the UK, Europe, Asia and China to name a few.

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